Frequently Asked Questions
+ Can the studio be left up year-round?
Depending on where you install the studio, there are different recommendations. The studio can be left up year-round anywhere, but we recommend doing this in a shady spot as excessive sunlight can damage the fabrics over a long period of time, possibly shortening the lifetime of the fabric roof. However, the roof can be replaced as needed.
Snow, wind, and extreme rain are other considerations. Read questions below about waterproofness and wind/snow loading. If you are worried about extreme weather, we recommend installing a metal roof. Note that the fabric portion of the studio can be installed or taken down in about an hour with two people, and the wooden frame is designed to withstand the elements year-round, with or without the fabric covering.
+ Can you use a woodstove or other heat source?
Yes! and we highly recommend it especially if you are planning on keeping it up and using during the winter months. The ambiance and coziness is amazing with a wood stove. Specify your tent to have a "stove jack", which is a standardized circular opening for a chimney. You will also need a fireproof floor covering below your stove. If you have access to electricity, space heaters are a quick acting option. And if you are off the grid, there are lots of propane heaters too. There is dedicated ventilation (cannot be closed) in the tent, so carbon monoxide is not an issue.
+ Can it be electrified?
Sure, the studio itself is off-the-grid, but there are specially designed pass-thrus for extension cords, whether coming from a house, a generator, or solar array.
Because the structure has exposed 2x4 wood studs, you can screw in a light switch anywhere, and the center beam is rigid enough for a small ceiling fan. Please note though that the height at the bottom of the transom window (where you could install a fan) is only 90" (7.5') high. So depending on the depth of the fan, could be a little uncomfortable for taller guests.
+ What about a bathroom?
Currently, Modern Canvas does not offer a bathroom option, but check back in the future. We recommend building a nearby platform and shelter for a composting toilet. A fabric privacy room like the NEMO Equipment Heliopolis is another great idea.
+ Are ventilation and condensation an issue?
All sides of the studio have built in screen windows that allow lots of air flow. Each window is protected by an overhang so it can be kept open in all but the hardest rains. In cold conditions or blowing rain, when the windows need to be closed, there are struts that create vents at the bottom of the windows, as well as permanent vents near the roof that keep air moving and condensation at bay. The entire studio is made of breathable fabric, but depending on where the studio is located, condensation may form on the roof. Gravity will pull it down the fabric, where it will roll outside the tent, keeping you dry inside.
+ Is it waterproof?
The walls and roof are made from Sunforger™ canvas, a highly technical cotton duck cloth with treatments for water resistance, UV resistance, fire retardancy, mold resistance, as well as tear and abrasion resistance. The DWR (durable water repellency) treatment prevents water from penetrating the surface of the canvas. However, if you live in an area with extreme weather, especially extended and powerful rains, we suggest installing a metal roof.
+ Can it handle snow loads? Wind loads?
If you plan to install a studio in a location where there are heavy snow loads (>6") or has storms with high wind, extra structure is recommended. This is as easy as cutting a few extra studs and rafters, and making the support spacing a little narrower. If you imagine the studio will see these conditions often, we highly recommend a metal roof.
+ How do you store it?
The studio can be left up year-round, taken down for unused seasons, or just set up for a long weekend. If you are planning to take down the studio, first make sure it is clean and completely dry. Any moisture still on the fabric when stored away can lead to mildew and could possibly ruin the fabric. Remove the screws from the grommets in each fabric piece. Keeping them in a safe place like a Ziploc bag for the next time you set up the studio. Gently fold the fabric portions and fit them into the duffel bag. Keep in a cool, dark, dry place like a garage or closet. The frame can be left standing, disassembled completely, or semi-disassembled and stored in large framed pieces.
+ How do you clean it?
+ How do you repair it?
+ What kind of upkeep do you need to do for the wooden frame?
+ Can it be put directly on the ground? Uneven ground?
+ Do I have to build a deck?
+ Does Modern Canvas have installation services?
+ Can one person install it themselves? What about taking it down?
+ How long does it take to install and take down?
+ How difficult is it to build my own frame?
+ Do I need a building permit?
+ What kind of wood can the frame be made from?
+ What are the options for flooring?
+ Can I add plumbing?
+ Can I add shelving or other storage?
+ Can I add lighting or a fan?
+ Does Modern Canvas ship internationally?
+ How much does it cost to ship a frame?